
Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Heritage afghan blankets

Many years ago, Nana gathered together all her leftover yarn and crocheted two afghan blankets. Over the years, Nana has knitted and crocheted many sweaters, socks, hats, scarves, baby blankets, and other items, so she had a lot of yarn left over. So she started crocheting. And she kept going. She kept going until the blankets were 5 feet wide and 8 – yes, 8! – feet long. You can wrap up in them – the long way. Turned sideways, they cover two people quite nicely. (Note that five to six high schoolers seem to be able to cover up under one blanket.)

Over the years, I've used these blankets for just about everything. They are very thick and warm. I've taken them camping, gotten them dirty, and washed them in the washing machine, where they come out looking just like new. They make great ground covers for a picnic. But now, they've been in one of those deflatable storage bags in the closet for the last few years, and it's time they had a new home. I'd really like to see them stay in the family. One of the blankets gives the appearance of fall colors, the other one looks mostly like primary colors. Does anyone want to give them a new home?
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